+65 8218 1212

PURITI Manuka.


With only 4,000 tonnes of authentic Manuka honey produced per year, PURITI's Manuka honey is one if not the purest forms of Manuka honey in the market.

Each year, two million tonnes of honey are produced around the world. In New Zealand, however, as little as 4,000 tonnes of rare and genuine Manuka honey is produced per year. The New Zealand government has strict test standards for the regulation of Manuka honey for export. Pure Manuka honey must meet the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) Manuka Honey Science Definition before it can be exported. PURITI not only passes the MPI testing but is UMF and MGO graded and likewise labelled.

PURITI aims to surpass these regulations and strives to provide the purest forms of Manuka honey possible. To further assert our commitment to providing the most genuine and purest forms of Manuka honey in the world, PURITI also tests to ensure their honey is all Glyphosate-free. Genuine New Zealand pure Manuka honey is sought after by enthusiasts seeking a flavourful, healthy and all-natural superfood. In the medical industry, authentic Manuka honey is sought after for its remarkable healing properties. Thanks to naturally occurring methylglyoxal, Manuka honey is a powerful anti-bacterial and anti-microbial agent. Even Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a dreaded antibiotic- resistant form superbug, isn't resistant to true Manuka honey. Manuka honey is graded on its levels of methylglyoxal, which are tested upon harvesting. Some Manuka honey can also be aged in barrels to let this agent reach its full strength and potency.